Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Haka Beer: Case Study

Haka Bitter
The beer that never was a legend in its own lifetime - Haka Bitter
GOA Billboards, Brisbane, wanted to prove a point; the power of Outdoor. So they invented a fictitious product for the highly competitive beer market- there were around 25 brands of beer brewed and sold in Brisbane at the time. The rest is now history.
The media/marketing exercise that follows became the subject of school and university assignments and even made media news in Germany.
As the product category was already part and parcel of the Australian way of life, the decision was taken that the creative approach should be 'bold and humorous'. Many concepts were developed but it was eventually a copyline that gave birth to the fictitious product's name and its equally fictitious New Zealand origin - Haka.
Market: Brisbane
Site format/Size: 24 Sheet Posters
Quantity of Sites: 50 - 25 illuminated, 25 non-illuminated
Campaign Weight: Medium
Period: 8 weeks, June - August 1993
Cost: $50,000 (Media)
Coverage: Broadcast (i.e. evenly spread around Brisbane locations) 45% of the Brisbane population was exposed to this campaign each day.
Two waves of research were conducted at four-week intervals by Yann Campbell Hoare Wheeler. Each wave consisted of 300 face-to-face interviews, 50% male/50% female, 18+ year olds.
When shown a photograph of the Haka billboard with the name concealed:
In wave 1, (after 4 weeks) 45% of the respondents recalled seeing the billboard, and of those 76% correctly identified the brand name that was missing as Haka. In wave 2, (after 8 weeks) 49% recalled seeing the billboard and of these 67% correctly identified the brand.

  1. an overall awareness that grew from nothing to 45% in one month.
  2. 76% (representing 34% of Brisbane population) correctly identified Haka as the brand when shown the statement "Naturally booed in Australia".
  3. Higher recall achieved for Under 40's and professionals.
  4. When asked: "Where did you see the copy?" 86% (representing 29% of the Brisbane population) correctly named one or more actual site locations.
For spontaneous recall, Haka achieved 7% after one month on Outdoor with only a $25,000 investment. Some weeks prior another beer brand, Powers Extra, was launched in Brisbane using TV only. Powers Extra only achieved a 3% spontaneous recall after one month despite a TV spend of $183,000.

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